Virtual Network Gateways routing in Azure

If you have ever used Azure, you probably have used one of these Virtual Network Gateways too: whether it is to connect your branches and headquarters with Azure via IPsec VPN or ExpressRoute, or to provide connectivity to your mobile workers or external partners through Point-to-Site VPNs. In this post I will go deep on how routing in VNGs works, especially when there is a firewall in the way.

You might already know the easy pattern of inserting an Azure Firewall in branch-to-VNet flows in hub and spoke networks, I will cover it in case you don’t. Additionally, I will cover how to insert the Azure Firewall in certain branch-to-branch flows, both VPN-to-VPN and VPN-to-ExpressRoute, and show you what NOT to do.

Starting point

This is the starting design of a journey: a basic hub and spoke architecture where ExpressRoute, P2S and S2S VPN connections have been deployed:

As you can see, there is a firewall deployed in the hub VNet, but the traffic flows bypass the firewall completely. The reason is because the VPN and ER gateways know how to reach the spokes (since they are directly peered), and the spokes know how to reach on-prem prefixes, since the gateways plumb their routes in the spoke VMs. For example, this is how the effective route table would look like in one of the spokes:

❯ az network nic show-effective-route-table -n spoke1-vmVMNic -g $rg -o table
Source                 State    Address Prefix    Next Hop Type          Next Hop IP                                                                                                                    
---------------------  -------  ----------------  ---------------------  -------------
Default                Active       VnetLocal
Default                Active    VNetPeering
VirtualNetworkGateway  Active   VirtualNetworkGateway
VirtualNetworkGateway  Active     VirtualNetworkGateway
VirtualNetworkGateway  Active     VirtualNetworkGateway
VirtualNetworkGateway  Active     VirtualNetworkGateway
VirtualNetworkGateway  Active     VirtualNetworkGateway
Default                Active         Internet

This is because the spokes have been peered with the hub with the combo settings “Allow Gateway Transit” and “Use Remote Gateways”. By the way, you might have noticed that the P2S range ( has been automatically split in two, this is because the gateway is deployed in active/active mode, so each of the gateway instances takes half of the IP range allocated to P2S users.

Coming back to the VNet peerings, the following screenshots show the settings of the two unidirectional peerings between the hub and spoke1, and between spoke1 and the hub:

Get me that firewall in the way

To put the firewall in the packet flow we need to modify routing at both the gateways and the spokes. In Azure you modify routing by attaching route tables to the subnets, so this is what we will do:

What we are doing in the GatewaySubnet is overriding the system routes injected by the VNet peering, so that the next hop is the firewall, and in the spokes we just disable gateway propagation, so that our static route is the only active route.

Now the effective routes in the spoke VMs look like this (notice that the routes coming from the Virtual Network Gateways are gone:

❯ az network nic show-effective-route-table -o table -g $rg -n spoke1-vmVMNic
Source    State    Address Prefix    Next Hop Type     Next Hop IP
--------  -------  ----------------  ----------------  -------------
Default   Active       VnetLocal
Default   Active    VNetPeering
User      Active  Internet
Default   Invalid         Internet
User      Active         VirtualAppliance

We have a challenge in this scenario though, and that is that VPN users (both P2S and S2S) cannot access the ExpressRoute location. That is because the VPN and ExpressRoute don’t exchange BGP routes. For example, if we look at the route table in the ExpressRoute circuit, we will see that there are no VPN routes there:

❯ az network express-route list-route-tables -g $rg -n $er_circuit_name --path primary --peering-name AzurePrivatePeering --query value -o table
This command is in preview and under development. Reference and support levels:
LocPrf    Network             NextHop         Path            Weight
--------  ------------------  --------------  --------------  --------    65515           0*   65515           0    65515           0*   65515           0  133937 ?        0  133937 ?        0  133937 16550 ?  0    65515           0*   65515           0

Azure Route Server to the rescue!

Well, if the VPN and ExpressRoute gateways won’t talk to each other, we can get a common friend of theirs: the Azure Route Server. Just by deploying an Azure Route Server into the VNet with the branch-to-branch setting on, it will act as route reflector between both gateways:

Let’s have a look now at the routing in the ExpressRoute circuit:

❯ az network express-route list-route-tables -g $rg -n $er_circuit_name --path primary --peering-name AzurePrivatePeering --query value -o table
LocPrf    Network             NextHop         Path            Weight
--------  ------------------  --------------  --------------  --------
    65515           0
*   65515           0
    65515           0
*   65515           0
  133937 ?        0
  133937 ?        0
  133937 16550 ?  0
  133937 12076    0
    65515 65111     0
    65515 65111     0
  133937 12076    0
    65515           0
*   65515           0
  133937 12076    0
    65515           0
*   65515           0
    65515           0
*   65515           0

Magic, we now have all those VPN prefixes ( and the two halves of You might notice that for these prefixes there is a third one that is reflected by the on-premises router (with AS path 133937 12076). This is due to the fact that the on-premises router is not configured with eBGP multipath, and hence it gives back the prefixes on the non-preferred link. Fun fact: the ExpressRoute routers (called Microsoft Enterprise Edge or MSEEs) are configured with allow-as in, meaning that they will take these advertisements although normally they wouldn’t, since their own ASN 12076 is present in the AS path.

But enough of routing details, now we have connectivity between VPN and onprem! However, you might notice that it doesn’t go through the firewall. How to fix this? Again route tables to the rescue!

Forcing VPN-to-ER through the firewall

This one is easier than it looks. The only thing that we need to do is to configure additional routes in our GatewaySubnet, like this:

Note that in the diagram I configured two route table icons, one next to each gateway. However, the same route table applied to the GatewaySubnet will affect both the VPN and the ExpressRoute gateways.

When the VPN gateway sends any packet towards the ExpressRoute gateway, it will hit the UDR for and that packet will be re-routed to the Azure Firewall. The Azure Firewall will then send it on to the ExpressRoute connection. For the return traffic the pattern is similar.

For example, here the firewall logs are showing connections between the S2S branch ( and ExpressRoute (, and between a P2S client ( and ExpressRoute (

❯ az monitor log-analytics query -w $logws_customerid --analytics-query $query_netrule -o tsv
PrimaryResult   2023-02-06T11:32:15.727592Z     TCP request from to Action: Allow. Policy: myazfw-policy. Rule Collection Group: ruleset01. Rule Collection: AllowTraffic. Rule: AllowAll
PrimaryResult   2023-02-06T11:32:30.369918Z     TCP request from to Action: Allow. Policy: myazfw-policy. Rule Collection Group: ruleset01. Rule Collection: AllowTraffic. Rule: AllowAll
PrimaryResult   2023-02-06T11:33:59.087885Z     TCP request from to Action: Allow. Policy: myazfw-policy. Rule Collection Group: ruleset01. Rule Collection: AllowTraffic. Rule: AllowAll

There is some additional control plane traffic between the VPN client ( and the gateways ( in this case) that will hit the firewall too, so you should make sure to allow that traffic in your rules:

PrimaryResult   2023-02-06T11:34:54.153586Z     UDP request from to Action: Allow. Policy: myazfw-policy. Rule Collection Group: ruleset01. Rule Collection: AllowTraffic. Rule: AllowAll

However, what if you wanted to filter traffic between the P2S users and the S2S branches? Since they are in the same gateway, Azure routing will not help, since those packets will be routed inside of the VPN gateway without even touching the VNet. We would need to have different gateways to terminate P2S and S2S connections, but unfortunately you can only have a single VPN gateway in any given VNet.

Private Endpoints might be an issue

Please be careful when implementing filtering between gateways in the same VNet, since it is not a well-documented design. For example, there might be issues with private endpoint traffic. With the above configuration and an Azure Blob Storage private endpoint in spoke 1 (IP address, access to the private endpoint seems to be broken from ExpressRoute.

From my S2S branch everything seems to work fine: resolution of the storage account’s FQDN to the private IP address works fine:

jose@s2svm:~$ nslookup
Non-authoritative answer:

jose@s2svm:~$ curl
Hello world!

However, from a machine in ExpressRoute the exact same thing won’t work:

jose@vm:~$ nslookup
Non-authoritative answer:

jose@vm:~$ curl
curl: (28) Failed to connect to port 443: Connection timed out

I am not sure what is the difference between ER and VPN gateways here, but if you are using UDRs in the GatewaySubnet, make sure you test your private endpoint traffic. If you need to filter traffic between VPN and ER, and you need access to private endpoints from ER, there are a couple of options you might want to consider:

  • Enable network policies in your private endpoint subnet. This will force the ER gateway (as well as the VPN gateway) to send traffic from on-premises through the firewall, which will eliminate the issue
  • Deploy your VPN gateways and ER gateways in different VNets, so that you don’t need “weird” routes (meaning here routes that include the onprem ranges) in the GatewaySubnet. See the next section for that!

Filtering between P2S and S2S

The solution to the previous problem where we want to filter between two different VPN connections, or when the VPN gateway and the ER gateway should be in separate VNets, is creating another VPN gateway in a different VNet:

We need to inject the new IP pool for P2S users ( into ExpressRoute, and the easiest way of doing that is using our Azure Route Server for that. An additional route in the ExpressRoute gateway will be required so that traffic goes to our firewall, plus some routes in the new VPN gateway.

You might notice that traffic runs asymmetrically here: while the left VPN gateway sends packets straight to the firewall, the firewall cannot use the VPN gateway as next hop. The reason is that the firewall already has gateways in its own VNet, so it won’t understand that there is a gateway in a peered VNet. Actually, if you tried to configure the VNet peering between the top VNets with those “Allow Gateway Transit” and “Use Remote Gateways” settings, you would get an error message of the like of “Sorry, I already have my own gateway, I cannot use a remote one”.

And sure enough, we can see logs in our firewall for traffic going between the P2S clients and both the S2S branch and ExpressRoute:

❯ az monitor log-analytics query -w $logws_customerid --analytics-query $query_netrule -o tsv | grep | grep -v 443
PrimaryResult   2023-02-06T12:09:50.781928Z     TCP request from to Action: Allow. Policy: myazfw-policy. Rule Collection Group: ruleset01. Rule Collection: AllowTraffic. Rule: AllowAll
PrimaryResult   2023-02-06T12:10:07.571775Z     TCP request from to Action: Allow. Policy: myazfw-policy. Rule Collection Group: ruleset01. Rule Collection: AllowTraffic. Rule: AllowAll

Hence, the traffic from the firewall to the range needs to go first through the NVAs. You probably want to deploy at least two of them for redundancy. Whether you include a load balancer or not doesn’t really matter, since these NVAs are completely stateless and won’t bother about the asymmetric routing.

What does the VPN client see?

Azure VPN gateways have a very fancy feature that allows you to advertise custom routes to the P2S client. For example, in the left VPN gateway, in the P2S profile I have configured these routes:

When I connect with my OpenVPN client, I will see those routes too, which will be plumbed into my OS to get connectivity. Additionally you see (the VNet range) and (the P2S IP pool range):

Don’t do this!

Could we make the traffic symmetric though? If we really wanted, we could. We already discussed that the firewall doesn’t know that there is a VPN gateway at the other side, but what if we just tell it to forward it to the VPN gateway’s IP address?

The problem is that this IP address is not documented anywhere (if you try to use the BGP IP address it won’t work), so you would have to guess. An educated guess might conclude that it could be the first IP address in the GatewaySubnet, and indeed if you configured this route, traffic would work fine:

However, I wouldn’t recommend you to use this approach. First, it is not documented or supported. Second, if the IP address of the gateway changed, you would be blackholing your traffic without an easy way to fix it (I tried to nmap the GatewaySubnet with port scans, but I couldn’t find any indications of which IP addresses the gateway takes).

Be careful with dummy VNets!

Read the above as “don’t do this either”.

Since we are testing out hacks, why not trying the dummy VNet trick? Essentially, this is what we used to do before we got the Route Server: creating a “dummy VNet” (or “ghost VNet”, “summarization VNet”, “advertising VNet”, whatever you want to call it) whose only purpose is forcing the ER gateway to advertise its prefixes. Something like this:

The first bad thing that will happen is that the S2S tunnels will break. I am not sure why, but with the NVA I am using, as soon as I start sending out a prefix from the VPN gateway that overlaps with onprem, the IPsec tunnels go down.

For P2S the tunnels won’t break, but I haven’t been able to make the flows P2S-ExpressRoute work (P2S-Azure works just fine).

And since this solution is not really recommended, opening up a support ticket will not be of much help, since the answer you would get is probably “go and deploy an Azure Route Server”. Which is the answer I would give you as well.

Adding up

We have seen different techniques to bend traffic from on-premises through an Azure Firewall, both for onprem-to-Azure as well as onprem-to-onprem. Depending on your scenario and your requirements, the solution might be very easy, or potentially you might end up having to deal with Azure Route Server or even Network Virtual Appliances.

And whatever you do, my recommendation is to stay away from hacks (or what I call “duct tape networking”).

Did I miss anything? Please let me know in the comments!

44 thoughts on “Virtual Network Gateways routing in Azure

  1. James

    Have you thought of moving ER GW and VPN Gateway outside the hub? It would increase the cost of the extra hop to route to on-prem, but would remove the need for adding specific UDR’s for spokes and private endpoints. Basically, as gateway spoke.


    1. So what would stay in the hub? Just the Azure Firewall? How would the ER gateway advertise the spoke prefixes?


      1. James

        Was thinking firewall, plus other common services, such as DNS. But, I overlooked the requirement of the ER GW Vnet being peered to spokes in order for it to advertise spoke routes. Just finding it a pain to have to add routes from the gateway subnet pointing to firewalls to avoid having spoke traffic bypass the firewalls. Thanks for the reply.


      2. Don’t get me wrong, it is a valid design. For VPN GWs with static routing or SDWAN appliances, a couple of UDRs will be enough. For BGP VPN or ER, you will need either Route Server or the “advertising VNet” trick.


  2. MB

    Is it possible to do the “Filtering between P2S and S2S” topology without the Route Server? it’s just too expensive…
    If so, how would the UDR’s look on both sides of the firewall?


    1. Yes. If you take ER out of the picture, and you put each gw (p2s and s2s) in different VNets, you can certainly do that. Look at the relevant routes for the left P2S and the S2S in the article.


  3. Aurilau

    If you set “Gateway Private IPs” to Enabled on the VPNG you can use that internal address for routing instead of the undocumented “.4” address to avoid async routing. (Fetch the ip from portal VPNG blade under Properties -> First Private IP address)


    1. Good point, thanks for that! I would still not recommend using the VPN gateway as NVA though 🙂


  4. Carl

    Hi! great blog thanks. Just a question, how I can route the traffic from a subnet wich reside in the hub trough an NVA? Should I apply another UDR pointing to the fw?


    1. Yepp, the mechanism is the same for subnets in the hub or in spokes: 0/0 UDR with the FW as next hop.


  5. Erwin Fiebig

    Hi, we are trying to create a VNET peering between two VNET, but the option “Use the remote virtual network’s gateway or Route Server” is grayed out when we declare de remote Vnet (the Vnet’s are in different subscriptions in our Azure). Please your help if there is any additional step when the Vnet’s are in differente subscritions.


    1. AFAIK, if there is a Virtual Network Gateway already deployed in the remote VNet, the option should be available in the portal, regardless if the VNets are in the same or different subscriptions.


  6. Usman

    Hi, What if we are not VPN gateway as NVA(without firewall), what will be default route( in that case?


    1. Hey not sure I understand the question: you are not using a firewall, and you would like to send Internet traffic to onprem?


  7. Rune R.

    Hi Jose. Love your posts as they have helped me to better understand Azure networking. In this post in particular I have a similar scenario for filtering traffic from P2S to S2S/ER. I have tested out setting up a VM (with Exabgp installed) in a spoke and config a BGP session to my ARS in the Hub. The route is verified advertised as expected, but by some reason it is not picked up and injected into the ER gw route table. The peering config between this spoke and the hub I have set the Gateway Transit to false on both sides.
    Since this should be a valid config I must be missing something here?


    1. Hey, happy the posts are useful! Weird, is your ARS configured with branch-to-branch enabled?


      1. Rune R.

        No, ARS is not configured with branch-to-branch. I did not think that would have any impact when the ARS and the Virtual Network Gateway are in different VNets?
        In my setup I have now one VNG (P2S VPN) in a network spoke and one VNG (S2S VPN) in the Hub. The ARS is also in the Hub. In the (VPN) spoke I have also configured a NVA (running Exabgp) which is peered to the ARS and advertising the P2S address pool to ARS.
        My impression from your post was that in this setup the S2S would pick up the route of the P2S address pool (which is now pointing to the NVA IP address in the spoke) from ARS, but that does not happen. I might have misunderstood your post in how it should work, but for the moment the S2S VPN (in the hub) is oblivious of the P2S CIDR.


      2. If you don’t configure ARS for b2b, as far as I remember it will not advertise anything to any gateway


  8. leo

    Do we need to create individual route entries for all spoke subnets in the gateway route table or can we add single entries like to FW instead of and to FW


    1. You need to create a route for each *VNet* (not subnet). You can’t use a summary, because the existing routes to bypass the firewall (created by the VNet peerings) would be more specific and win (longest prefix match). Does that make sense?


  9. Thanks for the great post!

    In your opinion, how should subnets (VMs or services such as “DNS Private Resolver”) be handled directly in the hub if they are not to go directly into the tunnel but always via the FW?

    VPN GW propagates a route to these subnets in the hub with the CIDR of the remote site and next hop PIP of the VPN GW.


    1. Hey Markus! Same as in the spokes: with a route table that disables gateway route propagation, and a default route pointing to the firewall.

      The harder bit is making sure that these workloads go through the firewall when talking to spoke VMs, that’s why as a general recommendation, if something should be “firewalled” it is much easier putting it in a spoke than in the hub.


  10. nostalgi4c

    Not sure if my previous comment posted or not.


  11. nostalgi4c

    Doesnt’ look like it did judging from that test post.

    I’m tryin to set up a P2S VPNGW into a Hub and spoke style network that also has Azure FW. The VPNGW is deployed into the ‘hub’ and the traffic routes through the FW. If I connect to the VPN and ping a resource that is in another spoke, I can see the traffic allowed through the firewall, but the pings time out.Would this potentially be a missing route or something similar? The address pool assigned to the P2S clients is a seperate range not mentioned in any route tables which may be the issue – but i had also read this routing is handled automatically by Azure? Not entirely sure how to troubleshoot, any help would be appreciated. Is ARS absolutely required here as you’ve detailed in your post?The next step would then be to get traffic going through the P2S and out through the ExpressRoute to on-premises resources.


    1. Hey there! ARS shouldn’t be required here. I would check these things:
      – if you deploy a test VM in a test subnet in the hub and look at the effective routes, do you see the route for the p2s IP pool?
      – You need a route table applied to the GatewaySubnet, with routes matching exactly the spoke prefixes (no summaries).
      – In the spoke VM the route table must disable gateway propagation: if you look at the effective routes, you should only see the for the firewall.


      1. nostalgi4c

        I deployed a test VM in the hub vnet (but in a different subnet to the gateway obv), but can’t see the P2S range under the effective routes. This doesn’t surprise me as that ip pool is only configured on the vpngw and nowhere else? i guess this is the magic thats supposed to auto work but isnt? 🙂

        There is a route table attached to the gateway subnet, the routes i think are summarized though? eg. a /23 of a spoke vnet, but that vnet has a couple of /25 subnets within it?

        Spoke vnet does only have the route with net hop as the fw.


      2. Yes, that is strange. The VPN/ER gateways should inject the onprem ranges (the P2S IP pool in this case) as system routes with next hop type VNG in NICs in their own VNet or directly peered VNets (if using the peering settings UseRemoteGateways and AllowGatewayTransit).

        Make sure that in the route table associated to the GatewaySubnet **allows** gateway route propagation (otherwise very bad things happen), and the same thing for the route table associated to the subnet of your test VM in the hub VNet (if any).


      3. nostalgi4c

        Naturally, I check the same thing today and its working 🙂 I can see the routes in the effective route table too.

        I did find an NSG was blocking some traffic on one of the other test vms I was using in a spoke, so I fixed that up.

        Now I just need to get the Client -> VPNGW -> ER -> On-Prem traffic working.. any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this or what else may be lacking? (Might be FW again to be honest…)


  12. Thomas

    So if I actually have traffic:
    Onprem->ExRD->Hub1 with UDR->NVA->Vnet2Vnet-VPN->Hub2 with UDR->NVA->Peered Spoke
    ..And I don’t have any Route Server?
    I’m a bit confused.


    1. You need to make sure of 2 things:
      – The ERGW in hub1 must advertise spoke2’s prefixes to onprem, which are received over VPNGW1 in hub1. In a hub-and-spoke environment I only know how to do that with ARS (Virtual WAN would do that automatically, since it already comes with a sort of ARS out of the box).
      – VPNGW1 in hub1 needs to advertise the ER prefixes to VPNGW2 in hub2. You could use static routing in the VPN connection, or BGP with ARS.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. thomas9cc6d216a0

    What are you guys doing to see/know the resulting/effective route table in a hub?I guess we still need to deploy some VM for that?What VM size/OS do you use for minimal footprint/cost, and do you create an extra subnet in the hub vnet, with a link to the UDR from GatewaySubnet, to see the exact result?


    1. I usually recommend a B1 Linux VM with a 32GB HDD in a /29 subnet with auto shutdown

      Liked by 1 person

  14. thomas9cc6d216a0

    Let’s say I have a Hub vnet with ExpressRoute GWs for on-prem connectivity, and VPN GWs for Vnet-Vnet VPN connections to other HUBs. Spokes are peered to the Hub.

    The ER GW holds a route table.
    The VPN GW. holds its route table.
    And the GatewaySubnet holds a route table(where UDRs can influence)

    Thanks to this article and comments, I understand that the ER GW and VPN GW does not exchange their bgp routes(unless ARS is helping out)

    I was thinking maybe the GatewaySubnet route table got the routes from both gateways and held the “result” used for traffic i/o the hub vnet…
    That is not the case then.

    But when exactly is the GatewaySubnet route table consulted/used? In which excact flows/scenarios?

    Thanks so much for helping out.


    1. Hey Thomas, thanks for reading! The internal route tables in the gateways (as with any other VM or virtual appliance in Azure) exist at the OS level, and they are used by the appliance to select an egress interface.
      The route table applied to the gateway subnet controls the routes of the Azure NICs in that subnet: when the traffic from the gateway/VM/appliance hits the NIC, the NIC will forward according to its effective routes (the combination of system and user-defined routes).


  15. Naresh Rathore


    does Azure route server advertise default route advertised by NVA to Express route gateway. customer wants to use internet via firewall nva (fortinet) in azure for their mpls branches


    1. Hey Naresh! Yes, that is a common use case. You need to enable branch-to-branch in ARS for that to happen.


  16. Phil


    Great post thanks! I am struggling will a routing issue and was hoping you could offer some advice?

    I have two regions linked by VPN Network Gateways, with an NVA in one of the regions. The NVA has SDWAN connections to some of my other sites. Everything is fine in my region with the NVA (region 1), but I can’t get traffic to route across the gateways from the other region (region 2) to my branch networks ?

    Branch Networks [NVA] Region 1 [VPN Gateway] [VPN Gateway] Region 2

    I have tried to add a UDR in region 2 for by branch networks with the next hop as Gateway. What am I missing?




    1. Thanks Phil, great you liked the post! First of all, you might consider connecting the regions with global VNet peering instead if VPN.

      That being said, I assume you are using VNet-2VNet connections? These are like BGP S2S connections: they will only advertise to the other side VNet prefixes, but not the SDWAN prefixes.

      I am not sure whether UDRs in the region without SDWAN would work (this type of UDRs are not really recommended), I believe it should. Have you checked in the effective routes whether those UDRs get correctly installed?


  17. Phil

    Thanks, VNet peering was the easiest answer we no longed needed the VPN Gateways.


  18. Regarding the Private Endpoint – I’ve noticed that their addresses appear as /32 prefixes in the “effective route tables” (I don’t know why).
    So maybe the problem was that your ExpressRoute Gateway learned this prefix, so it was delivering traffic for the Private Endpoint directly to the Spoke2 VNET, bypassing the Azure Firewall. However, the response traffic got directed to the Firewall due to the UDR.


    1. Hey! Those /32 routes are required for a VM to send traffic to the private endpoint, but are not required if traffic should hit a firewall first.

      In the example in this doc, the gateways shouldn’t have the /32, but the firewalls should.

      The way to remove the /32 route is as follows:
      – You enable route policies in the subnet where the private endpoint is deployed.
      – You create an UDR that encompasses the private endpoint.

      As I write in the post, this works for the VPN GW, but for some reason it doesn’t work for the ER gateway. It could be what you say (the ER GW still learns the /32 route), but that would be weird being in the same subnet as the VPN gateway…


  19. Deploy your VPN gateways and ER gateways in different VNets, so that you don’t need “weird” routes.
    I can propose something else – use IPsec over ExpressRoute and terminate it on the same VPN Gateway as the S2S & P2S traffic over Internet.
    This setup eliminates the problem you outlined and also provides another level of security for the ExpressRoute traffic.


    1. Hey @Cat Mucius, thanks for your comment!

      About deploying gateways in different VNets, that creates other challenges, since you would have two hubs. Where do you place the firewall?

      You have a good point on using IPsec over ER to provide seamless VPN-to-ER routing, but this design has some caveats too:
      – How to filter VPN-ER traffic with a firewall?
      – How to provide high bandwidth (10Gbps) with VPN?



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